The “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” phrase is one most of us are familiar with; it was made popular by the 1937 Disney Classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. For those who are not, it is the story of an evil Queen with a magic mirror that validates her beauty and places her as the fairest in the land. Supposedly, the mirror never lies. So when it declares Snow White as the fairest one day, the Queen flies into a fit of jealousy and rage and hires a huntsman to kill her.
If you are not a fan of the fairy tale classics, you may roll your eyes at the absurdity of magic mirrors and the hospitality of dwarfs! Nonetheless, it will shock you to discover that some of us have the mirror-mirror syndrome. We expect validation about our beauty and overall persona from other people with the belief that they can never lie. We have succeeded in having “living magic mirrors” to validate us and become depressed when what we get back is not as expected. Just like the evil Queen. According to the law of concentration, anything you dwell upon grows in your reality.
Imagine the escape and pure joy we would feel if we were our mirrors, communicating without words to our subconscious about our awesomeness and beauty! After all, we will always become what we think we are. Sadly, we realize this when it becomes too late and lose the war when the negative thoughts make a home in our hearts. Why not decide to be a mirror to yourself, reflecting positive thoughts and declarations? The more you occupy your mind with these thoughts, the more they positively influence the way you think, act and behave.
Become your magic mirror today and speak what you want into existence. I understand in depressing times such as these, it can be difficult to stay positive but regardless, you have to try. Celebrate the little wins you have every day and make positive notes to achieve more regardless of the challenges that come your way. Ignore the horror stories in the news if it increases your anxiety levels. Believe your day will be amazing. Browse comic videos, watch movies, enjoy the company of family, smile and decide to be happy.
Finally, stand in front of the mirror and fall in love with the person you see. While you may call it self-pride, I call it self-love and it causes a glow that can positively permeate the entire atmosphere around you.
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