At the appointed time

Dear God,

It’s been a while I wrote to you. I apologize for that, but this period has been crazy, to say the least. It almost feels like we are plummeting in an endless spiral into a dark hole, powerless to stop it.

The last time I wrote this note, I remember confirming you work things at your schedule and not mine.

Yet even armed with this knowledge as I am, I still tend to forget sometimes.

I must confess that this past week started on a sour note, and I was angry and tired. Partly, because I was over-thinking and add that together with being sleep deprived. A cocktail for disaster!

But I am happy it happened because it brought me back to that realization you taught me – that things truly never work out on our schedule.

I did some reading and listened to some messages, and one remarkable act you did blew me away and still does till this very day: Your actions at the crucifixion of your son. If your son could cry “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” I can imagine that the pain had to have been critical and deep.

If I was to critically analyze that with my human understanding, I would have blamed you for not doing anything. Because I would feel a son’s pain should have provoked an immediate response from his father. But we know what happened. He still died on the cross despite his soul-wrenching plea.

A lot of people would go as far as questioning if You truly exist, on this very basis.

When I kill all forms of human understanding and seek the voice within, I truly believe you weren’t silent. You were only waiting for the perfect moment for your glory to be revealed. And the result is an incident that the world and generations unborn will never forget; the resurrection of your son on the third day, which defied all human predictions and understanding. And still does.

Ever since I truly understood, I know you are always working in the background no matter the problems and disappointments I face. And that they will all be sorted out at the perfect time.

Because what are they, compared to a grand resurrection from the dead?

God, I wrote this to remind myself to stop playing your role and to accept that your perfect timing supersedes mine. All I can do is hold on and know that your appointed time will always come in ways I never expect; ways that will shake the earth.

Well, because You make all things beautiful and perfect in your time.

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I am a writer and the founder of Thoughts on Ink, a creative space where I explore a vibrant mix of topics that inspire and spark change. Storytelling fuels my passion. Whether I’m crafting emotive narratives, jotting down uplifting thoughts, or illuminating pressing social issues, I truly believe in the transformative magic of the written word.
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