Is perfect really perfect?

I had a conversation with my friend yesterday about the concept of perfection. After the call, I couldn’t help but ponder a little on this – Is perfect really perfect?

It’s crazy, but we are used to striving for perfection in different ways. A lot of the time, it’s unconscious. 

 The choice of a life partner.

 The business to venture into.

 Career choices.

 The friends we keep and let into our inner space.

 Miscellaneous decisions we make daily.

Sadly, we quickly forget that perfection is nothing but an illusion. And separating this illusion from reality becomes a herculean task.

Thus, we are thrown into the cycle of constant worrying because the illusion of perfection is a full-time job, rearing its ugly head at every decision point. And we never start anything but get stuck in a rut at points we should have long crossed.

I have looked inward and discovered that I sometimes fall into this same pit. Naturally, I chalked it up to the influences of emotions, perceptions, and fear of making bad choices. Of course, this came with its twin brother procrastination and I ended up wasting precious time.

We have pursued the unattainable goal of perfection for far too long. Isn’t it time we gave ourselves a break? All the perfection we think we see is edited, staged, unnatural and flawed. It is a facade. The concept is simply not real.

Why then do we allow it to hold undue influence over our concept of reality?

Maybe it is time we learned to be more authentic to our true selves. Time to quickly make calculated decisions while allowing enough flexibility to make adjustments if the need arises.

In the words of Jess Van Den, “The only way you become successful and overcome the fear of perfectionism is to be consistent, and to be confident, and to show up over and over and over again.”

All it takes is one step, and the rest will fall into place.

It is the season of joy, and I wish you a truckload of it! End the year in style, lovelies, and make positive changes towards living life to the fullest!

Merry Christmas!

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